Engineering office
EDP Facilities
The majority of engineering is carried out on versatile software ETAP and PSCAD. These software programmes have been operational for a long and tried out on various projects with high accuracy output. An extensive computer installation with complete hardware exists to support day to day activities. LAN connected computer systems are available with 50 nodes and a printing facility, including a team of professional computer operators to carry out the activities efficiently.
Management Information System (MIS)
Complete Management Information System is handled by software programmes in various areas of operation such as
- Accounts
- HR: Payroll + Employee Database
- Reception Control Programme
- Library (Project Documents + Literature/ Reference Documents)
- Vendor Management Programme
- Inventory Programme for Testing Instruments.
Testing Facilities
A specialized Commissioning group of engineers are available in-house for Testing-Commissioning Projects. This group of engineers have obtained specific field experience in commissioning power plants, EHV Switchyards, and HT/LT Electrical Distribution System. This commissioning group is fully equipped with required testing instruments and varieties of accessories. These instruments are suitable for live switchyards where there is an induction effect. The majority of these instruments are automatic and software operated. Thus there is no manual intervention.
A complete set of testing instruments for Testing-Commissioning projects
Condition Monitoring & Diagnostic Testing
A specialized Condition monitoring & Diagnostic testing group of engineers is available in-house to ensure smooth, safe and high accuracy testing. This group of engineers has obtained a specific field experience of carrying out various condition monitoring testing, diagnostic testing and troubleshooting of various ratings of machines/equipment. This Condition monitoring group is also fully equipped with required high accuracy class testing instruments and varieties of accessories. We have not restricted ourselves for any make and size of machines testing.
These instruments are suitable for live switchyards where there is an induction effect. The majority of these instruments are automatic and software operated. Thus there is no manual intervention.
A complete set of testing instruments for Condition Monitoring & Diagnostic testing

Customer expectation and our facility
The object will be tested as per the procedure, and test values defined by IEEE, IEC, and IS standards. Most of the test sets are Automatic test sets controlled by software. The aim is to reduce the testing time during the shutdown period and avoid errors due to manual intervention. This requirement is supported by advanced software with features like data collection, graphical presentation of measured parameters and comparative study concerning historical data available.